Thursday, July 4, 2013

[TAI READERS]Stripping for Hibernation 8 - By Naomi Lucas

Stripping for Hibernation 8

What in the world is Hibernation 8? 
It is a photography project with a message to it. Hibernation means winding down to a stagnancy – falling into a deep sleep.

Hibernation 8 is a set of 8 photographs that depict that process. The body in the photos (mine) gradually falls into a  deep, still sleep.

There is no clothing – yes, naked. But I tell you it is not pornography. 

Looking at the photographs you can actually locate yourself (if any aspect of your life is hibernating) and you can define for yourself what hibernation means to you.

Check out the description below.

Description: Hibernation 8 is collection of 8 photographs depicting 8 stages of hibernation. Each image is a portrayal of a stage of hibernation. There is no clothing. It is all skin to depict theme from its most private perspective.

The photographs do not illustrate any kind of known theory; psychological or social or any science. Everyone would look at the photos and determine each stage of hibernation for themselves; as it relates to them. 

There are 7 photos showing each process or each stage of the metamorphosis of hibernation and the 8

Looking at each photograph a person could identify which stage he or she is in psychologically, socially, economically or otherwise – or determine whether he or she is not near hibernating at all.

Photographs and all visual art for that matter, have a way of telling an entire story that a 500 paged book might not finish; and do it at just one glance. These photographs pass strong messages and somewhat convey the triggers that lead to hibernation as well.

What to Expect: The photographs are dark because the persona is sitting in the dark and soft light is flashed over her nakedness from various angles which is caught by the camera.

This is art. But yes, it is quite sensual.The photograph is depicting the ‘state of hibernation’ itself.

The collage of the photos were released 10pm June 30 and the individual photos would be released in a bit.

More after cut

When you look at the photos, focus on the manner in which the body is folding and the aura of the images. It is not a ‘booty call’ matter so the poses would not be giving you much sugar. But then again you probably would get your own sugar anyway.

I have hibernated several times (in a few aspects of my life) and doing this project is actually a ‘note to self’.

Why do we hibernate? Looking at myself I would say, one of the reasons I kept doing it was depression and the lie that things would work themselves out, so I could stop pushing. For some its loss of hope and for others its cluelessness and lack of direction – to many errors that burn you out and then you just slowly give up and then ‘freeze sleep’.

Don’t do it. Whether its social, sex, romance, education, money, career, spiritual (and prayer), self worth and satisfaction – 

DON’T EVER Hibernate.

If you have already begun to fold into a ball, then wake up. Don’t hesitate because the deeper you sleep the tougher waking up would be.

Naomi Moremi Lucas (
Follow us on twitter @_chronicles_

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